Participatory resource assessment of the coastal and marine habitats of Camiguin Island
Camiguin Coastal Resource Management Project.(2008).Participatory resource assessment of the coastal and marine habitats of Camiguin Island.
The Participatory Resource Assessment (PRA) of marine habitats of the five municipalities of Camiguin Island was conducted from May 12-31, 2008. The PRA process involved three days per municipality wherein slected local participants from the community (ranging from fisherfolks to members of the 'barangay' (village) council were trained in PRA methods (Day 1), conducted actual field surveys (Day 2) and analyzed and presented their results (Day 3). The PRA training included the following:
- Coral reef cover survey using point-intercept method,
- Reef fish composition and biomass using fish visual census method,
- Seagrass cover and its associated macroinvertebrates using the transect-quadra[n]t and belt-method, respectively
- Mangrove forest status using species identification, density determination and measurement of the circumference at breast height, and
- Fish catch enumeration using interview questions.
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