Mainstreaming framework and process for integrating multilateral environmental agreements in the local development plan
Strengthening Coordination for Effective Environmental Management (StrEEM). (2013). Mainstreaming Framework and process for Integrating Multilateral Environmental Agreements in the Local Development Plan. Quezon City : DENR-FASPO.
The Philippine government received a grant from the United Nations Development Programme - Global Environmental Facility (UNDP-GEF) to implement a project entitled "Strengthening Coordination for Effective Environmental Management" (STREEM). The STREEM project aims at
establishing and strengthening cross-convention institutional and coordination structures and mechanisms at the national and local levels to comply with the country's commitments under the three (3) multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), specifically, the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity (UNCBD), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). One of the initiatives under the project is the overlaying of the National Action Plans (NAPs) of the three (3) MEAs. The procedure has identified the integrated ecosystems approach across all NAPs to address resource use and management issues and to integrate the NAP's proposed strategies and actions into the national and local development planning process.
This document specifies in detail how the relevant national and subnational government agencies could mainstream the implementation of the three (3) ,MEAs to their local government development planning process. This 'document also provides the strategies and tools on how to communicate the goals and objectives of MEAs and their corresponding NAPs at the different levels. This will gain a holistic response to complex environmental issues that cut across political, institutional and project-level issues.
This Manual has the following topics/ sections, namely:
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: The Philippine Response to MEAs
Section 3: Intervention of the National and Subnational Agencies in the MEA
Main streaming
Section 4: Incentive Systems
Section 5: Approaches and Strategies in Mainstreaming MEAs in Local
Development Plans
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