The Coastal Resource Management Project (CRMP), a component of NRMP II used an Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) as its basic approach , in its 7-year project life, have carried out several groundbreaking activities in different Learning Areas and Expansion Site in various levels of Local Government Units. These include participatory coastal resource assessment, municipal coastal database, and assistance to formulation of municipal CRM plan, extensive IEC activities and pilot testing of CRM Certification System in region 7 and 11.
Completion Report of the Camiguin Coastal Resource Management Project Phase 2
The Camiguin Coastal Resource Management Project (CCRMP) is a five year project funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade(MFAT) with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources as lead executing agency and the Provincial and Municipal Governments of Camiguin as implementing partners.
Capturing Coral Reef and Related Ecosystem Services Project :2016 Annual Report
The project aims to help communities capture more of the benefits from healthy ecosystems and promote conservation, by demonstrating the links between ecosystem health, local benefit capture and community welfare.
This 2016 annual report is a consolidation of the design work of the past three years to prepare the pathway for the uptake of CCRES outputs by coastal managers, policy officers and decision makers in the Philippines, Indonesia and within the East Asia Pacific region more broadly.
A Framework for Sustainable Philippine Archipelagic Development: Revaluing our Maritime Heritage and Affirming the Unity of Land and Sea (ArcDev)
This framework is a "a work in progress" and has, so far, tried to consider the many facets that characterized the politial and institutional, socio-economic and ecosystem-related concerns that relate to coastal and marine archipelagic development. Hopefully, it will help forge concensus and partnership among the various stakeholders in the country, favoring the adoption of ArcDev.
Sustaining our Coast: The Ridge-To-Reef Approach, a Compilation of Technical and Policy Paper
This compilation was accomplished through the Integrated Coastal Resource Management Project (ICRMP), a foreign-assisted project. These studies attempt to pursue policy reforms and advocate strategy towards the protection and sustainable management of coastal and marine resource. The compilation includes the following: