Facilitating the participatory planning of community-based forest management using geographic information system and remote sensing technologies in forest resources management in the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand |
Fifth Operation Phase of the GEF Small Grants Program in the Philippines (SGP-5) |
Fisheries Sector Program |
Forest and Climate Protection in Panay (FORCLIM) |
Forest and Climate Protection in Panay (ForClim) Phase II |
Forest for a Sustainable Future: Educating Children Project |
Forest Law Enforcement, Government and Trade (FLEGT) Programme |
Forest Resources Management (FRM) - Natural Resources Management Program (NRMP) Phase I |
Forest Resources Management (FRM) - Natural Resources Management Program (NRMP) Phase II |
Forestland Management Project (FMP) |
Forestry Development Project |
Forestry Sector Program |
Forestry Sector Project |
Formulation of Integrated River Basin Management and Development Master Plan for Apayao-Abulug RIver Basin |
Formulation of Integrated River Basin Management and Development Master Plan for Cagayan de Oro River Basin |
Formulation of Integrated River Basin Management and Development Master Plan for Cagayan de Oro River Basin (IRBMDMP) for Tagum-Libuganon River Basin |
Formulation of Integrated River Basin Management and Development Master Plan for Marikina River Basin |
Formulation of Solid Waste Management Plan |