Climate Proofing for Development : a training toolkit (Volume 4: Planning for Climate Change Action)
Department of Environment and Natural Resource (DENR). (2013). Climate Proofing for Development : a training toolkit (Volume 4: Planning for Climate Change Action). Manila : GIZ.
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) Environment Policy Committee (EPOC) and Development Assistance Committee (DAC) formulated the Policy Guidance on Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into DevelopÂment Cooperation (OECD Guidance). Its framework aims to create a better understanÂding of climate change. It seeks to promote practical means of integrating climate adaptation into development undertakings at national, sectoral, project and local levels.
Intent on mainstreaming climate change into development activities, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) designed the Climate Proofing for DevelÂopment (CP4D) —A Training Toolkit. The 4 volume Toolkit serves as a handbook on conÂducting a training and includes a module compilation for training participants and trainers as well.
Volume 4: Planning for Climate Change Action
The last in the series, this volume stresses the need for adequate institutional capacities at various levels as key to successful adaptation. Module 9 enumerates various adaptive capacity frameworks. Module 10 provides key steps to integrating adaptation and linkages among stakeholders.