To commemorate the 11-year journey of the Forestland Management Project, the DENR through FASPS, together with the FMP Central Project Management Office, organized the 2023 LGIS Forum with the theme: “Modelling Sustainable Forest Management: The FMP Way,” bringing together multiple stakeholders from national and local governments, DENR officials and staff, relevant stakeholders and project beneficiaries. The forum served as a knowledge-exchange venue, as well as, a clarificatory platform. It aimed to steer away from the usual reporting of accomplishment figures, and instead dive in to the project outcomes and the stories–good or bad–leading to that. Project focals discussed the different challenges and strategies they have implemented in their area, project beneficiaries–LGUs and POs–shared their testimonies and ongoing efforts in sustaining project gains, and a panel of reactors from different government agencies was also present to offer their insights and pose clarifications related to the project.