Philippine Environmental Governance 2 Project (EcoGov2): Urban Environmental Management Program Assessment and Activities (Final Report)
This report has been prepared by an international consultant consultant) providing technical assistance to the Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) program. The intent of the report is to update and supplement a previous assessment report prepared by the consultant in April 2008. The original 2008
report presented the consultant's perspective and assessment of the EcoGov program design and activities to that point in time. This current report seeks to update the consultant's observations concerning the EcoGov program after more experienced in dealing with EcoGov's program and projects and to review the current validity of the original recommendations made in 2008 report. The original report provided 59 recommendations concerning procedures that would potentially expand the results of the program to achieve target objectives and to provide a project legacy that would continue to be of benefit to local governments in the Philippines. This current report is also intended to update the summary of specific activities undertaken by the consultant on behalf of EcoGov during the past year.
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