Final Report: Marketing Communications Plan for Valuation Education (6 October 2009 to 29 January 2010)
A professionalized corps of knowledgeable and competent valuers will help the government recover the appropriate level of tax revenues from properties, promote the growth of the real estate industry and pave the way towards a globally competitive Philippine property sector. (A Proposed Continuing Professional Education Program on Land Valuation, UPOU)
In support of the government’s goals, LAMP2 executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) relating to the development and delivery of training and education programs for property valuation so that the complementary academic framework to the professionalization of the property valuation sector can be made available to private and national government appraisers and local government assessors.
The AusAID/World Bankâ€funded LAMP2 project in partnership with UPOU, now seeks to market and promote these courses to private and government appraisers and assessors and has engaged the services of a National Technical Adviser on Information, Education and Communications to develop a communications plan to achieve the said objective.