Primer on Administrative Procedures for Violations in Protected Areas
Bonpin, T.T., A.G. Perez and Associates. 2000.
Primer on Adminis trative Procedures for Violations
in Protected Areas. Essentials of Protected Area
Management in the Philippines, Vol. 13,
NIPAP, PAWB-DENR, Philippines.
This volume Primer on Administrative Procedures for Violations in
Protected Areas captures the important provisions of various administrative issuances of the DENR to answer basic and frequently asked questions
regarding the administrative procedures for violations in protected areas. It
describes in great detail the process from apprehension to seizure to confiscation to disposition of items subject of illegal activities in protected areas.
The remedies available to offenders are also included to alert park rangers
and community-based law enforcers of the possible pitfalls that might derail
their noble actions.
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