The Potential Role of Agroforestry in Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) Areas Supported by USAID's Ecogovernance Project
The Philippine Environmental Governance Project (EcoGov) provides analysis and technical assistance
to the Government of the Philippines (GOP) and USAID/Philippines in support of the improved
management of the country’s coastal and forest resources. Since it’s inception, EcoGov has worked
closely with the DENR in order to find ways to most effectively manage small farmer participation in
Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM), an approach to resource conservation practices in forest
areas and buffer zones promulgated by Executive Order No. 263 (EO 263) in 1995.
This report is a review of the rationale, need, and feasibility of incorporating agroforestry initiatives (i.e., the combination of annual cropping, fruit cropping, and tree cropping) as livelihood activities in CBFM areas. Moreover, this report focuses on the potential of high-value fruit cropping in agroforestry systems, and the potential for fruit-based intercropping employing sustainable soil and water conservation practices. It outlines the possible windows of opportunity for agroforestry activities in CBFM and LGU-managed forest lands, especially those kinds of activities where the USAID, and in particular EcoGov, might have a meaningful role to play.
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