Bantay Gubat Paralegal Manual : Sibalom Forest Protection and Rehabilitation Project Sibalom, Antique
GIZ. (2018). Bantay Gubat Paralegal Manual : Sibalom Forest Protection and Rehabilitation Project .Sibalom, Antique. Municipality of Sibalom, Antique, DENR & GIZ.
As early as 1997, Deputized Environment and Natural Resources Officers (DENROS), more popularly known as Bantay Gubat Volunteers, have been identified and organized by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to help in conservation efforts along the area of Mt. Poras in Sibalom, Antique in accordance with Department Administrative Order Number 41 series of 1997 of the DENR. Due to lack of financial and technical resources, however, the Bantay Gubat Volunteers were not properly guided and monitored. With the declaration of the area as the Sibalom Natural Park, Strengthening the bantay gubat became crucial. They were faced, however, with several challenges. The more common problems identified were the weak organizational structures, inadequate facilities and equipment to support protective activities as well as the inadequacy in skills and knowledge on pertinent environmental laws and the ability to enforce them.
As a response to these inadequacies, the Community-Based Biodiversity Conservation and Protection Project was conceptualized and implemented by the Antique Human Development Program (AHDP), Inc, not only to respond to Banatay Gubat / protective services concerns, but also other conservation concerns such as watershed rehabilitation, community strengthening and sustainable livelihood. The conduct of the Basic and Advanced Bantay Gubat Paraligal Seminar Workshops is seen as one of the more concrete steps towards strengthening the forest protection system. It was conceptualized and designed primarily to equip local volunteers with basic skills and knowledge for effective implementation of their roles and responsibilities. This manual is a product of this activity, and would serve as a guide for local environment and natural resources officers or bantay gubat volunteers.